MUSIC         SERVICE THEATRE WORLD “Etiquette for Children, Goals And Objectives


To enhance the lives of urban  youth through social education,  cultural exposure, and  enriching group experiences

Programs ... Mission …

Provide Training that will promote knowledge, courteous and considerate behavior towards others; expose youth to rules of social etiquette; provide outlets for social experience; develop an understanding of social and civic responsibility; develop everyday practice of good habits; help develop a desire for travel and its educational value; learn, through dance education, effective body carriage and posture; develop interpersonal skills; develop and practice oratory skills for effective communication; provide lessons that will help enhance life long self-confidence

The 11th / 12th Grade Cotillion Program will give the participant interpersonal skills which will allow them to appropriately conduct themselves and feel comfortable in real-life situations they will encounter in high school,college, business, and social life. These skills will help to create positive powerful global citizens.op a desire for travel and its educational value; learn, through dance education, effective body carriage and posture; develop interpersonal skills; develop and practice oratory skills for effective communication; provide lessons that will help enhance life long self-confidence

Expected Outcome Young Men and Young Women”

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